
Kullanım örnekleri

candle wick
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Phonetic: "/ˈkændl̩/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A light source consisting of a wick embedded in a solid, flammable substance such as wax, tallow, or paraffin.

Definition: The protruding, removable portion of a filter, particularly a water filter.

Definition: A unit of luminous intensity, now replaced by the SI unit candela.

Definition: A fast-growing, light-colored, upward-growing shoot on a pine tree in the spring. As growth slows in summer, the shoot darkens and is no longer conspicuous.

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Phonetic: "/ˈkændl̩/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To observe the growth of an embryo inside (an egg), using a bright light source.

Definition: To dry greenware prior to beginning of the firing cycle, setting the kiln at 200° Celsius until all water is removed from the greenware.

Definition: To check an item (such as an envelope) by holding it between a light source and the eye.

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Phonetic: "/wɪk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A bundle, twist, braid, or woven strip of cord, fabric, fibre/fiber, or other porous material in a candle, oil lamp, kerosene heater, or the like, that draws up liquid fuel, such as melted tallow, wax, or the oil, delivering it to the base of the flame for conversion to gases and burning; any other length of material burned for illumination in small successive portions.

Example: Trim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.

Definition: Any piece of porous material that conveys liquid by capillary action, such as a strip of gauze placed in a wound to serve as a drain.

Definition: A narrow opening in the field, flanked by other players' stones.

Definition: A shot where the played stone touches a stationary stone just enough that the played stone changes direction.

Definition: The penis.

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Phonetic: "/wɪk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To convey or draw off (liquid) by capillary action.

Example: The fabric wicks perspiration away from the body.

Definition: (of a liquid) To traverse (i.e. be conveyed by capillary action) through a wick or other porous material, as water through a sponge. Usually followed by through.

Example: The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.

Definition: To strike (a stone) obliquely; to strike (a stationary stone) just enough that the played stone changes direction.

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