cateto adyacente

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cateto adyacente
adjacent leg
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Something that lies next to something else, especially the side of a right triangle that is neither the hypotenuse nor the opposite.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on.

Example: Because the conference room is filled, we will have our meeting in the adjacent room.

Definition: Just before, after, or facing.

Example: The picture is on the adjacent page.

Definition: Related to; suggestive of; bordering on.

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Next to; beside.

Example: A notice was sent to the house adjacent the school.

Definition: Related to; suggestive of; bordering on.

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Phonetic: "/leɪɡ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A limb or appendage that an animal uses for support or locomotion.

Example: {{ux|en|Insects have six legs.}

Definition: In humans, the lower limb extending from the groin to the ankle.

Example: Dan won't be able to come to the party, since he broke his leg last week and is now on crutches.

Definition: The portion of the lower limb of a human that extends from the knee to the ankle.

Definition: A part of garment, such as a pair of trousers/pants, that covers a leg.

Example: The left leg of these jeans has a tear.

Definition: A rod-like protrusion from an inanimate object, supporting it from underneath.

Example: the legs of a chair or table

Definition: Something that supports.

Example: This observation is an important leg of my argument.

Definition: A stage of a journey, race etc.

Example: After six days, we're finally in the last leg of our cross-country trip.

Definition: A distance that a sailing vessel does without changing the sails from one side to the other.

Definition: One side of a multiple-sided (often triangular) course in a sailing race.

Definition: A single game or match played in a tournament or other sporting contest.

Definition: One of the two sides of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse.

Definition: One of the branches of a hyperbola or other curve which extend outward indefinitely.

Definition: (usually used in plural) The ability of something to persist or succeed over a long period of time.

Example: This proposal has no legs. Almost everyone opposes it.

Definition: A disreputable sporting character; a blackleg.

Definition: An extension of a steam boiler downward, in the form of a narrow space between vertical plates, sometimes nearly surrounding the furnace and ash pit, and serving to support the boiler; called also water leg.

Definition: In a grain elevator, the case containing the lower part of the belt which carries the buckets.

Definition: Denotes the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman.

Example: Ponsonby-Smythe hit a thumping drive through the leg fielders.

Definition: A branch or lateral circuit connecting an instrument with the main line.

Definition: A branch circuit; one phase of a polyphase system.

Definition: An underlying instrument of a derivatives strategy.

Definition: An army soldier assigned to a paratrooper unit who has not yet been qualified as a paratrooper.

Definition: A gesture of submission; a bow or curtsey. Chiefly in phrase make a leg.

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Phonetic: "/leɪɡ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To remove the legs from an animal carcass.

Definition: To build legs onto a platform or stage for support.

Definition: To put a series of three or more options strikes into the stock market.

Definition: To apply force using the leg (as in 'to leg a horse').

Türkçe-İngilizce dosya Çevirmeni

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