conejillo de indias

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conejillo de indias
guinea pig
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Phonetic: "/ˈɡɪni/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A person of Italian descent.

Definition: A gold coin originally worth twenty shillings; later (from 1717 until the adoption of decimal currency) standardised at a value of twenty-one shillings.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɡɪni/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any of several African birds of the family Numididae (6 species) resembling partridges.

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Phonetic: "/ˈpɪɡ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any of several intelligent mammalian species of the genus Sus, having cloven hooves, bristles and a nose adapted for digging; especially the domesticated animal Sus scrofa.

Example: The man kept a pen with two pigs that he fed from carrots to cabbage.

Definition: (specifically) A young swine, a piglet (contrasted with a hog, an adult swine).

Definition: The edible meat of such an animal; pork.

Example: Some religions prohibit their adherents from eating pig.

Definition: A light pinkish-red colour, like that of a pig (also called pig pink).

Definition: Someone who overeats or eats rapidly and noisily.

Example: You gluttonous pig! Now that you've eaten all the cupcakes, there will be none for the party!

Definition: A lecherous or sexist man.

Example: She considered him a pig as he invariably stared at her bosom when they talked.

Definition: A dirty or slovenly person.

Example: He was a pig and his apartment a pigpen; take-away containers and pizza boxes in a long, moldy stream lined his counter tops.

Definition: A very obese person.

Definition: A police officer.

Example: The protester shouted, “Don't give in to the pigs!” as he was arrested.

Definition: A difficult problem.

Example: Hrm... this one's a real pig: I've been banging my head against the wall over it for hours!

Definition: A block of cast metal.

Example: After the ill-advised trade, the investor was stuck with worthless options for 10,000 tons of iron pig.

Definition: The mold in which a block of metal is cast.

Example: The pig was cracked, and molten metal was oozing from the side.

Definition: A device for cleaning or inspecting the inside of an oil or gas pipeline, or for separating different substances within the pipeline. Named for the pig-like squealing noise made by their progress.

Example: Unfortunately, the pig sent to clear the obstruction got lodged in a tight bend, adding to the problem.

Definition: The general-purpose M60 machine gun, considered to be heavy and bulky.

Example: Unfortunately, the M60 is about twenty-four pounds and is very unbalanced. You try carrying the pig around the jungle and see how you feel.

Definition: A simple dice game in which players roll the dice as many times as they like, either accumulating a greater score or losing previous points gained.

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Phonetic: "/ˈpɪɡ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (of swine) to give birth.

Example: The black sow pigged at seven this morning.

Definition: To greedily consume (especially food).

Example: They were pigging on the free food at the bar.

Definition: To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed.

Definition: To clean (a pipeline) using a pig (the device).

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