lastik tamir törpüsü

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lastik tamir törpüsü
plug rasper
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Phonetic: "/plʌɡ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket, especially an electrical one.

Example: I pushed the plug back into the electrical socket and the lamp began to glow again.

Definition: Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole.

Example: Pull the plug out of the tub so it can drain.

Definition: A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco.

Example: He preferred a plug of tobacco to loose chaw.

Definition: A high, tapering silk hat.

Definition: A worthless horse.

Example: That sorry old plug is ready for the glue factory!

Definition: Any worn-out or useless article.

Definition: A block of wood let into a wall to afford a hold for nails.

Definition: A mention of a product (usually a book, film or play) in an interview, or an interview which features one or more of these.

Example: During the interview, the author put in a plug for his latest novel.

Definition: A body of once molten rock that hardened in a volcanic vent. Usually round or oval in shape.

Example: Pressure built beneath the plug in the caldera, eventually resulting in a catastrophic explosion of pyroclastic shrapnel and ash.

Definition: A type of lure consisting of a rigid, buoyant or semi-buoyant body and one or more hooks.

Example: The fisherman cast the plug into a likely pool, hoping to catch a whopper.

Definition: A small seedling grown in a tray from expanded polystyrene or polythene filled usually with a peat or compost substrate.

Definition: (jewellery) A short cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings, especially in the ear.

Definition: A drug dealer.

Definition: A branch from a water-pipe to supply a hose.

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Phonetic: "/plʌɡ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To stop with a plug; to make tight by stopping a hole.

Example: He attempted to plug the leaks with some caulk.

Definition: To blatantly mention a particular product or service as if advertising it.

Example: The main guest on the show just kept plugging his latest movie: it got so tiresome.

Definition: To persist or continue with something.

Example: Keep plugging at the problem until you find a solution.

Definition: To shoot a bullet into something with a gun.

Definition: To have sex with, penetrate sexually.

Example: I'd love to plug him.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A person who, or thing that, rasps or scrapes.

Definition: One who speaks with a rasping voice.

Definition: A fence that is challenging for a horse to jump over.

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