ser una birria

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ser una birria
be a dead loss
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Phonetic: "/æɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin script letter A/a.

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (with "the", a demonstrative, or a possessive) Those who have died.

Example: Have respect for the dead.

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (often with "the") Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.

Example: The dead of night. The dead of winter.

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (usually plural) Sterile mining waste, often present as many large rocks stacked inside the workings.

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To prevent by disabling; stop.

Definition: To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.

Definition: To kill.

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: No longer living.

Example: All of my grandparents are dead.

Definition: Figuratively, not alive; lacking life.

Definition: (of another person) So hated that they are absolutely ignored.

Example: He is dead to me.

Definition: Doomed; marked for death (literally or as a hyperbole).

Example: "You come back here this instant! Oh, you're dead, mister!"

Definition: Without emotion.

Example: She stood with dead face and limp arms, unresponsive to my plea.

Definition: Stationary; static.

Example: a dead lift

Definition: Without interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.

Example: a dead glass of soda.

Definition: Unproductive.

Example: dead fields

Definition: (of a machine, device, or electrical circuit) Completely inactive; currently without power; without a signal.

Example: Now that the motor's dead you can reach in and extract the spark plugs.

Definition: (of a battery) Unable to emit power, being discharged (flat) or faulty.

Definition: Broken or inoperable.

Example: That monitor is dead; don’t bother hooking it up.

Definition: No longer used or required.

Example: Is this beer glass dead?

Definition: Not imparting motion or power by design.

Example: A dead axle, also called a lazy axle, is not part of the drivetrain, but is instead free-rotating.

Definition: Not in play.

Example: Once the ball crosses the foul line, it's dead.

Definition: (of a golf ball) Lying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next stroke.

Definition: (1800s) Tagged out.

Definition: Full and complete.

Example: dead giveaway

Definition: Exact.

Example: a dead eye

Definition: Experiencing pins and needles (paresthesia).

Example: After sitting on my hands for a while, my arms became dead.

Definition: Constructed so as not to transmit sound; soundless.

Example: a dead floor

Definition: Bringing death; deadly.

Definition: Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property.

Example: A person who is banished or who becomes a monk is civilly dead.

Definition: (often with "to") Indifferent to, no longer subject to or ruled by (sin, guilt, pleasure, etc).

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Phonetic: "/diːd/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: (degree) Exactly.

Example: He hit the target dead in the centre.

Definition: (degree) Very, absolutely, extremely.

Example: dead wrong; dead set; dead serious; dead drunk; dead broke; dead earnest; dead certain; dead slow; dead sure; dead simple; dead honest; dead accurate; dead easy; dead scared; dead solid; dead black; dead white; dead empty

Definition: Suddenly and completely.

Example: He stopped dead.

Definition: As if dead.

Example: dead tired; dead quiet; dead asleep; dead pale; dead cold; dead still

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Phonetic: "/lɑs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The result of no longer possessing an object, a function, or a characteristic due to external causes or misplacement.

Example: In other areas, glacier loss creates serious risk of a dry period across the Third Pole, Wang said.

Definition: The destruction or ruin of an object.

Definition: Something that has been destroyed or ruined.

Example: It was a terrible crash; both cars were total losses.

Definition: Defeat; an instance of being defeated.

Example: The match ended in their first loss of the season.

Definition: The death of a person or animal.

Example: The battle was won, but losses were great.

Definition: The condition of grief caused by losing someone or something, especially someone who has died.

Example: Her daughter's sense of loss eventually led to depression.

Definition: (financial) The sum an entity loses on balance.

Example: The sum of expenditures and taxes minus total income is a loss, when this difference is positive.

Definition: Electricity of kinetic power expended without doing useful work.

Example: The inefficiency of many old-fashioned power plants exceeds 60% loss before the subsequent losses during transport over the grid.

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