cep radyosu

Kullanım örnekleri

cep radyosu
pocket radio
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A bag stitched to an item of clothing, used for carrying small items.

Definition: Such a receptacle seen as housing someone's money; hence, financial resources.

Example: I paid for it out of my own pocket.

Definition: An indention and cavity with a net sack or similar structure (into which the balls are to be struck) at each corner and one centered on each side of a pool or snooker table.

Definition: An enclosed volume of one substance surrounded by another.

Example: The drilling expedition discovered a pocket of natural gas.

Definition: An area of land surrounded by a loop of a river.

Definition: The area of the field to the side of the goal posts (four pockets in total on the field, one to each side of the goals at each end of the ground). The pocket is only a roughly defined area, extending from the behind post, at an angle, to perhaps about 30 meters out.

Definition: The region directly behind the offensive line in which the quarterback executes plays.

Definition: An area where military units are completely surrounded by enemy units.

Definition: The position held by a second defensive middle, where an advanced middle must retreat after making a touch on the attacking middle.

Definition: A large bag or sack formerly used for packing various articles, such as ginger, hops, or cowries; the pocket of wool held about 168 pounds.

Definition: A hole or space covered by a movable piece of board, as in a floor, boxing, partitions, etc.

Definition: A cavity in a rock containing a nugget of gold, or other mineral; a small body of ore contained in such a cavity.

Definition: A strip of canvas sewn upon a sail so that a batten or a light spar can placed in the interspace.

Definition: The pouch of an animal.

Definition: The ideal point where the pins are hit by the bowling ball.

Definition: A socket for receiving the base of a post, stake, etc.

Definition: A bight on a lee shore.

Definition: A small space between a tooth and the adjoining gum, formed by an abnormal separation of the two.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To put (something) into a pocket.

Definition: To cause a ball to go into one of the pockets of the table; to complete a shot.

Definition: To take and keep (something, especially money that is not one's own).

Example: Record executives pocketed most of the young singer's earnings.

Definition: To shoplift; to steal.

Example: The thief was caught on camera pocketing the diamond.

Definition: To put up with; to bear without complaint.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of a size suitable for putting into a pocket.

Example: a pocket dictionary

Definition: Smaller or more compact than usual.

Definition: Referring to the two initial hole cards.

Example: a pocket pair of kings

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Phonetic: "/ˈɹeɪdiˌəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves.

Definition: A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound.

Definition: On-board entertainment system in a car, usually including a radio receiver as well as the capability to play audio from recorded media.

Definition: A device that can transmit radio signals.

Definition: The continuous broadcasting of sound via the Internet in the style of traditional radio.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɹeɪdiˌəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator).

Example: I think the boat is sinking; we'd better radio for help. / I radioed him already. / Radio the coordinates this time. / OK. I radioed them the coordinates.

Definition: To order or assist (to a location), using telecommunications.

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Çeviri yazılımımızı diğer makine çevirmenlerinden farklı kılmak için çok yol kat ettik. Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz orijinal metnin anlamını ve cümlenin ana fikrini asıl amaçlandığı gibi korumak için tasarlanmıştır. Çevirmenimiz olabildiğince insandır. Ürünümüz en iyi gizliliği sağlar. Verilerinizi izlemiyor, satmıyor veya saklamıyoruz. Çevirileriniz size aittir. Transferler için kayıt ve ödeme gerekli değildir!Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.Çevirilerinizi daha da iyi hale getirmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış arayüzümüzün yeni özelliklerine göz atın. Doğal olarak, hizmetimiz ücretsiz kalır ve ayrıca bir uygulama olarak da mevcuttur. Tüm özellikler, çeşitli ortak dillerin kombinasyonları için yerel olarak mevcuttur. Diğer özellikler ve dil kombinasyonları aşağıdadır. Hangi dile çeviri yaparsanız yapın, ortaya çıkan metin çevrimiçi sözlüğümüze bağlanır. Anlamları ve diğer cümlelerdeki kullanımları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız, çıktı metin kutusundaki tek tek kelimeler ayrıntılı olarak analiz edilir. Her şey tamamen ayrıntılı ve gerekirse test edilmiştir!