
Kullanım örnekleri

dont let it get away!
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Phonetic: "/lɛt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The allowing of possession of a property etc. in exchange for rent.

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Phonetic: "/lɛt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To allow to, not to prevent (+ infinitive, but usually without to).

Example: After he knocked for hours, I decided to let him come in.

Definition: To leave.

Example: Let me alone!

Definition: To allow the release of (a fluid).

Example: The physicians let about a pint of his blood, but to no avail.

Definition: To allow possession of (a property etc.) in exchange for rent.

Example: I decided to let the farmhouse to a couple while I was working abroad.

Definition: To give, grant, or assign, as a work, privilege, or contract; often with out.

Example: to let the building of a bridge;  to let out the lathing and the plastering

Definition: Used to introduce an imperative in the first or third person.

Example: Let P be the point where AB and OX intersect.

Definition: To cause (+ bare infinitive).

Example: Can you let me know what time you'll be arriving?

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Phonetic: "/lɛt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To hinder, prevent, impede, hamper, cumber; to obstruct (someone or something).

Definition: To prevent someone from doing something; also to prevent something from happening.

Definition: To tarry or delay.

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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: One who is neither a he nor a she; a creature; a dehumanized being.

Definition: The person who chases and tries to catch the other players in the playground game of tag.

Example: In the next game, Adam and Tom will be it…

Definition: The game of tag.

Example: Let's play it at breaktime.

Definition: Sex appeal, especially that which goes beyond beauty.

Definition: Sexual activity.

Example: caught them doing it

Definition: A biological force that inhabits living beings, according to the vitalist approach of Georg Groddeck.

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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Most fashionable.

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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: The third-person singular personal pronoun that is normally used to refer to an inanimate object or abstract entity, also often used to refer to animals.

Example: I heard the sound of the school bus - it was early today.

Definition: A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a child, especially of unknown gender.

Example: She took the baby and held it in her arms.

Definition: Used to refer to someone being identified, often on the phone, but not limited to this situation.

Example: Is it her?

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement. (known as the dummy pronoun or weather it)

Example: It is nearly 10 o’clock.

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used without referent in various short idioms.

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object; known as the dummy pronoun or, more formally in linguistics, a syntactic expletive. The delayed subject is commonly a to-infinitive, a gerund, or a noun clause introduced by a .

Example: He saw to it that everyone would vote for him. (with the noun clause introduced by that)

Definition: All or the end; something after which there is no more.

Example: Are there more students in this class, or is this it?

Definition: A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to an animate referent who is transgender or is neither female nor male.

Definition: Followed by an omitted and understood relative pronoun: That which; what.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɛt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Offspring.

Definition: Lineage.

Definition: A difficult return or block of a shot.

Definition: Something gained; an acquisition.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɛt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (ditransitive) To obtain; to acquire.

Example: I'm going to get a computer tomorrow from the discount store.

Definition: To receive.

Example: He got a severe reprimand for that.

Definition: (in a perfect construction, with present-tense meaning) To have. See usage notes.

Example: I've got a concert ticket for you.

Definition: To fetch, bring, take.

Example: Can you get my bag from the living-room, please?

Definition: To become, or cause oneself to become.

Example: I'm getting hungry; how about you?

Definition: To cause to become; to bring about.

Example: I can't get these boots off (or on).

Definition: To cause to do.

Example: I can't get it to work.

Definition: To cause to come or go or move.

Example: I got him to his room.

Definition: To cause to be in a certain status or position.

Example: Get him here at once.

Definition: (with various prepositions, such as into, over, or behind; for specific idiomatic senses see individual entries get into, get over, etc.) To adopt, assume, arrive at, or progress towards (a certain position, location, state).

Example: I'm getting into a muddle.

Definition: To cover (a certain distance) while travelling.

Example: to get a mile

Definition: To begin (doing something or to do something).

Example: After lunch we got chatting.

Definition: To take or catch (a scheduled transportation service).

Example: I normally get the 7:45 train.

Definition: To respond to (a telephone call, a doorbell, etc).

Example: Can you get that call, please? I'm busy.

Definition: (followed by infinitive) To be able, be permitted, or have the opportunity (to do something desirable or ironically implied to be desirable).

Example: Great. I get to clean the toilets today.

Definition: To understand. (compare get it)

Example: I don't get what you mean by "fun". This place sucks!

Definition: To be told; be the recipient of (a question, comparison, opinion, etc.).

Example: "You look just like Helen Mirren." / "I get that a lot."

Definition: To be. Used to form the passive of verbs.

Example: He got bitten by a dog.

Definition: To become ill with or catch (a disease).

Example: I went on holiday and got malaria.

Definition: To catch out, trick successfully.

Example: He keeps calling pretending to be my boss—it gets me every time.

Definition: To perplex, stump.

Example: That question's really got me.

Definition: To find as an answer.

Example: What did you get for question four?

Definition: To bring to reckoning; to catch (as a criminal); to effect retribution.

Example: I'm gonna get him for that.

Definition: To hear completely; catch.

Example: Sorry, I didn't get that. Could you repeat it?

Definition: To getter.

Example: I put the getter into the container to get the gases.

Definition: To beget (of a father).

Definition: To learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; sometimes with out.

Example: to get a lesson;  to get out one's Greek lesson

Definition: Used with a personal pronoun to indicate that someone is being pretentious or grandiose.

Example: Get her with her new hairdo.

Definition: To go, to leave; to scram.

Definition: To kill.

Example: They’re coming to get you, Barbara.

Definition: To make acquisitions; to gain; to profit.

Definition: To measure.

Example: Did you get her temperature?

Türkçe-İngilizce Şarkı Sözleri Çevirmeni

İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çeviri saniyeler sürer ve tek istekte bin kelimeye kadar çeviri yapabilirsiniz. İngilizce ve Türkçe dünyada çok yaygın dillerdir. İngilizceden Türkçeye çevirmenimiz, birinde uzman olup diğerini öğrenirken bu dillerin temel metinlerini öğrenmenize veya anlamanıza yardımcı olacaktır. Çeviri API'lerimiz İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye mükemmel çeviri sağlar, ek redaksiyon ile bu çeviriler hukuk, tıp ve diğer yüksek düzeyde uzmanlık alanları gibi görev açısından kritik alanlarda kullanılabilir. İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çevirmen, çevirdiğiniz metnin doğru bir şekilde anlaşılmasını sağlar ve selamlaşma, seyahat, alışveriş, sayılar ve diğer sınırsız sayıda ortak alan gibi sık kullanılan cümle ve kelimeleri çevirmek için idealdir.

İngilizce veya Türkçe alfabe, makale veya web sitesinden bir e-postayı, makaleyi veya web sitesini çevirmeniz mi gerekiyor? Sadece bu metni seçin ve resmi çevrimiçi çevirmen haline gelsin! 50 dünya dilinden profesyonel tercümanlarımız var. İşe yarıyor? Tabii ki işe yarıyor! Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.İngilizce, dünyada yaklaşık 1,5 milyar insan tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Dünyada en çok konuşulan dildir. 1.000.000'den fazla kelime var! Türkçe, Türkiye'de, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta yaklaşık 80 milyon kişi ile Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika'daki göçmen toplulukları tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Yaklaşık 88 milyon konuşmacı ile en çok konuşulan Türk dilidir. Türk dili, Türkiye'nin batısında yer alan Anadolu'da ortaya çıkmıştır. Şu anda, bu iki hacimli ve harika dildeki çevirilerle hızlı, rahat ve ücretsiz çalışmanız için size profesyonel çevirmenimizin işlevselliğini sunuyoruz!