
Kullanım örnekleri

floating logs
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Phonetic: "/ˈfləʊtɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: Of an object or substance, to be supported by a liquid of greater density than the object so as that part of the object or substance remains above the surface.

Example: The boat floated on the water.

Definition: To cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density.

Example: to float a boat

Definition: To be capable of floating.

Example: Oil floats on vinegar.

Definition: To move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating

Example: I’d love to just float downstream.

Definition: To drift or wander aimlessly.

Example: Images from my childhood floated through my mind.

Definition: To drift gently through the air.

Example: The balloon floated off into the distance.

Definition: To move in a fluid manner.

Example: The dancer floated gracefully around the stage.

Definition: To circulate.

Example: There's a rumour floating around the office that Jan is pregnant.

Definition: (of an idea or scheme) To be viable.

Example: That’s a daft idea... it’ll never float.

Definition: To propose (an idea) for consideration.

Example: I floated the idea of free ice-cream on Fridays, but no one was interested.

Definition: To automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change.

Definition: (of currencies) To have an exchange value determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.

Example: The yen floats against the dollar.

Definition: To allow (the exchange value of a currency) to be determined by the markets.

Example: Increased pressure on Thailand’s currency, the baht, in 1997 led to a crisis that forced the government to float the currency.

Definition: To extend a short-term loan to.

Example: Could you float me $50 until payday?

Definition: To issue or sell shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange.

Example: 2007, Jonathan Reuvid, Floating Your Company: The Essential Guide to Going Public.

Definition: To spread plaster over (a surface), using the tool called a float.

Definition: To use a float (rasp-like tool) upon.

Example: It is time to float this horse's teeth.

Definition: To transport by float (vehicular trailer).

Definition: To perform a float.

Definition: To cause (an element within a document) to float above or beside others.

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Phonetic: "/ˈfləʊtɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The motion of something that floats.

Definition: (in the plural) Material that floats in a liquid.

Definition: The spreading of plaster on the surface of walls.

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Phonetic: "/ˈfləʊtɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: That floats or float.

Example: floating buoys

Definition: Not fixed in position, opinion etc.; free to move or drift.

Example: In China, the large floating population has tended to gravitate to cities.

Definition: (of a tone) that is not attached to any consonant or vowel within its morpheme.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The trunk of a dead tree, cleared of branches.

Example: They walked across the stream on a fallen log.

Definition: Any bulky piece as cut from the above, used as timber, fuel etc.

Definition: A unit of length equivalent to 16 feet, used for measuring timber, especially the trunk of a tree.

Definition: Anything shaped like a log; a cylinder.

Definition: A floating device, usually of wood, used in navigation to estimate the speed of a vessel through water.

Definition: A blockhead; a very stupid person.

Definition: A heavy longboard.

Definition: A rolled cake with filling.

Definition: A weight or block near the free end of a hoisting rope to prevent it from being drawn through the sheave.

Definition: A piece of feces.

Definition: A penis.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To cut trees into logs.

Definition: To cut down (trees).

Definition: To cut down trees in an area, harvesting and transporting the logs as wood.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A logbook, or journal of a vessel (or aircraft)'s progress

Definition: A chronological record of actions, performances, computer/network usage, etc.

Definition: Specifically, an append-only sequence of records written to file.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make, to add an entry (or more) in a log or logbook.

Example: to log the miles travelled by a ship

Definition: To travel (a distance) as shown in a logbook

Definition: To travel at a specified speed, as ascertained by chip log.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move to and fro; to rock.

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A Hebrew unit of liquid volume (about 1/3 liter).

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Phonetic: "/lɑɡz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Logarithm.

Example: To multiply two numbers, add their logs.

Definition: A difference of one in the logarithm, usually in base 10.

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