eğilip siper almak

Kullanım örnekleri

eğilip siper almak
duck and cover
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Phonetic: "/dʌk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To quickly lower the head or body in order to prevent it from being struck by something.

Definition: To quickly lower (the head) in order to prevent it from being struck by something.

Definition: To lower (something) into water; to thrust or plunge under liquid and suddenly withdraw.

Definition: To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to plunge one's head into water or other liquid.

Definition: To bow.

Definition: To evade doing something.

Definition: To lower the volume of (a sound) so that other sounds in the mix can be heard more clearly.

Definition: To enter a place for a short moment.

Example: I'm just going to duck into the loo for a minute, can you hold my bag?

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: In rhythm, the second half of a divided beat.

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Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: As a coordinating conjunction; expressing two elements to be taken together or in addition to each other.

Definition: (heading) Expressing a condition.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A lid.

Definition: Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view.

Example: The soldiers took cover behind a ruined building.

Definition: The front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc.

Definition: The top sheet of a bed.

Definition: A cloth, usually fitted, placed over an item such as a car or sofa to protect it from dust, rain, etc. when not in use.

Definition: A cover charge.

Example: There's a $15 cover tonight.

Definition: A setting at a restaurant table or formal dinner.

Example: We need to set another cover for the Smith party.

Definition: A new performance or rerecording of a previously recorded song; a cover version; a cover song.

Definition: A fielding position on the off side, between point and mid off, about 30° forward of square; a fielder in this position.

Definition: A set (more often known as a family) of sets, whose union contains the given set.

Example: The open intervals are a cover for the real numbers.

Definition: An envelope complete with stamps and postmarks etc.

Definition: A solid object, including terrain, that provides protection from enemy fire.

Definition: In commercial law, a buyer’s purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for after a seller has breached a contract of sale by failure to deliver the goods contracted for.

Definition: An insurance contract; coverage by an insurance contract.

Definition: A persona maintained by a spy or undercover operative; cover story.

Definition: A swindler's confederate.

Definition: The portion of a slate, tile, or shingle that is hidden by the overlap of the course above.

Definition: In a steam engine, the lap of a slide valve.

Definition: The distance between reinforcing steel and the exterior of concrete.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To place something over or upon, as to conceal or protect.

Example: He covered the baby with a blanket.

Definition: To be over or upon, as to conceal or protect.

Example: The blanket covered the baby.

Definition: To be upon all of, so as to completely conceal.

Example: Regular hexagons can cover the plane.

Definition: To set upon all of, so as to completely conceal.

Example: You can cover the plane with regular hexagons.

Definition: To put on one's hat.

Definition: To invest (oneself with something); to bring upon (oneself).

Example: The heroic soldier covered himself with glory.

Definition: (of a publication) To discuss thoroughly; to provide coverage of.

Example: The magazine covers such diverse topics as politics, news from the world of science, and the economy.

Definition: To deal with or include someone or something.

Definition: To be enough money for.

Example: Ten dollars should cover lunch.

Definition: To act as a replacement.

Example: I need to take off Tuesday. Can you cover for me?

Definition: To have as an assignment or responsibility.

Example: Can you cover the morning shift tomorrow? I'll give you off next Monday instead.

Definition: To make a cover version of (a song that was originally recorded by another artist).

Definition: (law enforcement) To protect using an aimed firearm and the threat of firing; or to protect using continuous, heaving fire at or in the direction of the enemy so as to force the enemy to remain in cover; or to threaten using an aimed firearm.

Definition: To provide insurance coverage for.

Example: Does my policy cover accidental loss?

Definition: To copulate with (said of certain male animals such as dogs and horses).

Example: I would like to have my bitch covered next spring.

Definition: To protect or control (a piece or square).

Example: In order to checkmate a king on the side of the board, the five squares adjacent to the king must all be covered.

Definition: To extend over a given period of time or range, to occupy, to stretch over a given area.

Definition: To defend a particular player or area.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of or pertaining to the front cover of a book or magazine.

Definition: Of, pertaining to, or consisting of cover versions.

İngilizce Türkçe Cümle Çevirmeni

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