vector desplazamiento

Kullanım örnekleri

vector desplazamiento
displacement vector
icon arrow


Phonetic: "/dɪsˈpleɪsmɪnt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a putting out of place.

Definition: The quantity of a liquid displaced by a floating body, as water by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.

Definition: The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.

Definition: Moving the target to avoid an attack; dodging.

Definition: A vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component.

Definition: (grammar) The capability of a communication system to refer to things that are not present (that existed or will exist at another time, or that exist at another location).

icon arrow


Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A directed quantity, one with both magnitude and direction; the signed difference between two points.

Definition: An ordered tuple representing a directed quantity or the signed difference between two points.

Definition: Any member of a (generalized) vector space.

Example: The vectors in {mathbb Q}[X] are the single-variable polynomials with rational coefficients: one is textstyle x^{42}+frac1{137}x-1.

Definition: A chosen course or direction for motion, as of an aircraft.

Definition: A carrier of a disease-causing agent.

Definition: (by extension) A person or entity that passes along an urban legend or other meme.

Definition: A recurring psychosocial issue that stimulates growth and development in the personality.

Definition: The way in which the eyes are drawn across the visual text. The trail that a book cover can encourage the eyes to follow from certain objects to others.

Definition: (operating systems) A memory address containing the address of a code entry point, usually one which is part of a table and often one that is dereferenced and jumped to during the execution of an interrupt.

Definition: A one-dimensional array.

Definition: A graphical representation using outlines; vector graphics.

Example: a vector image

Definition: A DNA molecule used to carry genetic information from one organism into another.

icon arrow


Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To set (particularly an aircraft) on a course toward a selected point.

Definition: To redirect to a vector, or code entry point.

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