
Kullanım örnekleri

jumper cables
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Someone or something that jumps, e.g. a participant in a jumping event in track or skiing.

Definition: A person who attempts suicide by jumping from a great height.

Definition: A short length of electrical conductor, to make a temporary connection. Also jump wire.

Definition: A removable connecting pin on an electronic circuit board.

Definition: A long drilling tool used by masons and quarry workers, consisting of an iron bar with a chisel-edged steel tip at one or both ends, operated by striking it against the rock, turning it slightly with each blow.

Definition: A crude kind of sleigh, usually a simple box on runners which are in one piece with the poles that form the thills.

Definition: A jumping spider

Definition: The larva of the cheese fly.

Definition: (18th century) One of certain Calvinistic Methodists in Wales whose worship was characterized by violent convulsions.

Definition: A spring to impel the star wheel, or a pawl to lock fast a wheel, in a repeating timepiece.

Definition: A shot in which the player releases the ball at the highest point of a jump; a jump shot.

Definition: A nuclear power plant worker who repairs equipment in areas with extremely high levels of radiation.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To connect with an electrical jumper.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (material) A long object used to make a physical connection.

Definition: (communications) A system for transmitting television or Internet services over a network of coaxial or fibreoptic cables.

Example: I tried to watch the movie last night but my cable was out.

Definition: A telegram, notably when sent by (submarine) telegraph cable.

Definition: A unit of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile.

Definition: (unit, chiefly nautical) 100 fathoms, 600 imperial feet, approximately 185 m.

Definition: The currency pair British Pound against United States Dollar.

Definition: A moulding, shaft of a column, or any other member of convex, rounded section, made to resemble the spiral twist of a rope.

Definition: A textural pattern achieved by passing groups of stitches over one another.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To provide with cable(s)

Definition: To fasten (as if) with cable(s)

Definition: To wrap wires to form a cable

Definition: To send a telegram by cable

Definition: To communicate by cable

Definition: To ornament with cabling.

Definition: To create cable stitches.

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