kafada şimşek çakması

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kafada şimşek çakması
a light bulb goes off in (ones) brain
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Phonetic: "/æɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin script letter A/a.

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Phonetic: "/lʌɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Visible electromagnetic radiation. The human eye can typically detect radiation (light) in the wavelength range of about 400 to 750 nanometers. Nearby shorter and longer wavelength ranges, although not visible, are commonly called ultraviolet and infrared light.

Example: As you can see, this spacious dining-room gets a lot of light in the mornings.

Definition: A source of illumination.

Example: Put that light out!

Definition: Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information.

Example: Can you throw any light on this problem?

Definition: (in the plural) Facts; pieces of information; ideas, concepts.

Definition: A notable person within a specific field or discipline.

Example: Picasso was one of the leading lights of the cubist movement.

Definition: The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall; the more illuminated part of a landscape or other scene; opposed to shade.

Definition: A point of view, or aspect from which a concept, person or thing is regarded.

Example: I'm really seeing you in a different light today.

Definition: A flame or something used to create fire.

Example: Hey, buddy, you got a light?

Definition: A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or coloured flame.

Example: a Bengal light

Definition: A window, or space for a window in architecture.

Example: This facade has eight south-facing lights.

Definition: The series of squares reserved for the answer to a crossword clue.

Example: The average length of a light on a 15×15 grid is 7 or 8.

Definition: A cross-light in a double acrostic or triple acrostic.

Definition: Open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.

Definition: The power of perception by vision.

Definition: The brightness of the eye or eyes.

Definition: A traffic light, or, by extension, an intersection controlled by one or more that will face a traveler who is receiving instructions.

Example: To get to our house, turn right at the third light.

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Phonetic: "/bʌlb/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any solid object rounded at one end and tapering on the other, possibly attached to a larger object at the tapered end.

Example: the bulb of the aorta

Definition: A light bulb.

Definition: The bulb-shaped root portion of a plant such as a tulip, from which the rest of the plant may be regrown.

Definition: A bulbous protuberance at the forefoot of certain vessels to reduce turbulence.

Definition: The medulla oblongata.

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Phonetic: "/bʌlb/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To take the shape of a bulb; to swell.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʊz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of going.

Definition: A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).

Example: It’s your go.

Definition: An attempt, a try.

Example: I’ll give it a go.

Definition: An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.

Example: We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.

Definition: An act; the working or operation.

Definition: A circumstance or occurrence; an incident, often unexpected.

Definition: The fashion or mode.

Example: quite the go

Definition: Noisy merriment.

Example: a high go

Definition: A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.

Definition: Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.

Example: There is no go in him.

Definition: The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.

Definition: A period of activity.

Example: ate it all in one go

Definition: (British slang) A dandy; a fashionable person.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʊz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move:

Definition: (chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).

Example: The engine just won't go anymore.

Definition: To start; to begin (an action or process).

Example: Get ready, get set, go!

Definition: To take a turn, especially in a game.

Example: It’s your turn; go.

Definition: To attend.

Example: I go to school at the schoolhouse.

Definition: To proceed:

Definition: To follow or travel along (a path):

Definition: To extend (from one point in time or space to another).

Example: This property goes all the way to the state line.

Definition: To lead (to a place); to give access to.

Example: Does this road go to Fort Smith?

Definition: To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)

Example: After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.

Definition: To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.

Definition: To continuously or habitually be in a state.

Example: I don't want my children to go hungry.

Definition: To come to (a certain condition or state).

Example: They went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock.

Definition: To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.

Example: The traffic light went straight from green to red.

Definition: To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).

Example: How did your meeting with Smith go?

Definition: To tend (toward a result).

Example: These experiences go to make us stronger.

Definition: To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.

Example: qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter

Definition: To pass, to be used up:

Definition: To die.

Definition: To be discarded.

Example: This chair has got to go.

Definition: To be lost or out:

Definition: To break down or apart:

Definition: To be sold.

Example: Everything must go.

Definition: To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.

Example: The award went to Steven Spielberg.

Definition: To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.

Example: Can you two go twenty minutes without arguing?!

Definition: To have a certain record.

Example: The team is going five in a row.

Definition: To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:

Definition: To say (something), to make a sound:

Definition: To be expressed or composed (a certain way).

Example: As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.

Definition: To resort (to).

Example: I'll go to court if I have to.

Definition: To apply or subject oneself to:

Definition: To fit (in a place, or together with something):

Definition: To date.

Example: He's been going with her for two weeks.

Definition: To attack:

Definition: To be in general; to be usually.

Example: As sentences go, this one is pretty boring.

Definition: To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.

Example: Let's go halves on this.

Definition: To yield or weigh.

Example: Those babies go five tons apiece.

Definition: To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.

Example: I'll go a ten-spot.

Definition: To enjoy. (Compare go for.)

Example: I could go a beer right about now.

Definition: To urinate or defecate.

Example: Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?

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Phonetic: "/ɔːf/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (usually in phrases such as 'from the off', 'at the off', etc.) Beginning; starting point.

Example: He has been very obviously an untrustworthy narrator right from the off.

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Phonetic: "/ɔːf/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To kill.

Example: He got in the way so I had him offed.

Definition: To switch off.

Example: Can you off the light?

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Phonetic: "/ɔːf/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Inoperative, disabled.

Example: All the lights are off.

Definition: Cancelled; not happening.

Example: The party's off because the hostess is sick.

Definition: Not fitted; not being worn.

Example: The drink spilled out of the bottle because the top was off.

Definition: Rancid, rotten, gone bad.

Example: This milk is off!

Definition: Less than normal, in temperament or in result.

Example: sales are off this quarter

Definition: Inappropriate; untoward.

Example: I felt that his comments were a bit off.

Definition: (in phrases such as 'well off', 'better off', 'poorly off') Circumstanced.

Definition: Started on the way.

Example: And they're off! Whatsmyname takes an early lead, with Remember The Mane behind by a nose.

Definition: Far; off to the side.

Example: He took me down the corridor and into an off room.

Definition: Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from a post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent.

Example: He took an off day for fishing.  an off year in politics; the off season

Definition: (in phrases such as 'off day') Designating a time when one is not performing to the best of one's abilities.

Definition: (of a dish on a menu) Presently unavailable.

Example: — I'll have the chicken please.

Definition: (in relation to a vehicle) On the side furthest from the kerb (the right-hand side if one drives on the left).

Example: The off front wheel came loose.

Definition: In, or towards the half of the field away from the batsman's legs; the right side for a right-handed batsman.

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Phonetic: "/ɔːf/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: In a direction away from the speaker or object.

Example: He drove off in a cloud of smoke.

Definition: Into a state of non-operation or non-existence.

Example: Please switch off the light when you leave.

Definition: So as to remove or separate, or be removed or separated.

Example: He bit off the end of the carrot.

Definition: Used in various other ways specific to individual idiomatic phrases, e.g. bring off, show off, put off, tell off, etc. See the entry for the individual phrase.

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Phonetic: "/ɔːf/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Not positioned upon; away from a position upon.

Example: He's off the roof now.

Definition: Detached, separated, excluded or disconnected from; away from a position of attachment or connection to.

Example: He was thrown off the team for cheating.

Definition: Used to indicate the location or direction of one thing relative to another, implying adjacency or accessibility via.

Example: His office is off this corridor on the right.

Definition: Used to express location at sea relative to land or mainland.

Example: The island is 23 miles off the cape.

Definition: Removed or subtracted from.

Example: There's 20% off the list price.

Definition: No longer wanting or taking.

Example: He's been off his feed since Tuesday.

Definition: (more properly 'from') Out of the possession of.

Example: He didn't buy it off him. He stole it off him.

Definition: Placed after a number (of products or parts, as if a unit), in commerce or engineering.

Example: I'd like to re-order those printer cartridges, let's say 5-off.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A position of power or influence, or a way to get it.

Example: His parents got him an in with the company.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) One who, or that which, is in; especially, one who is in office.

Definition: The state of a batter/batsman who is currently batting; see innings.

Definition: A re-entrant angle; a nook or corner.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To enclose.

Definition: To take in; to harvest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Located indoors, especially at home or at one's office or place of work.

Example: Is Mr. Smith in?

Definition: Located inside something.

Example: Little by little I pushed the snake into the basket, until finally all of it was in.

Definition: (of the ball or other playing implement) Falling or remaining within the bounds of the playing area.

Example: If the tennis ball bounces on the line then it's in.

Definition: Inserted or fitted into something.

Example: I've discovered why the TV wasn't working – the plug wasn't in!

Definition: Having been collected or received.

Example: The replies to the questionnaires are now all in.

Definition: In fashion; popular.

Example: Skirts are in this year.

Definition: Incoming.

Example: the in train

Definition: (of the sails of a vessel) Furled or stowed.

Definition: Of the tide, at or near its highest level.

Example: You can't get round the headland when the tide's in.

Definition: With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin.

Example: in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband

Definition: Currently batting.

Definition: Having familiarity or involvement with somebody.

Example: He is very in with the Joneses.

Definition: Having a favourable position, such as a position of influence or expected gain, in relation to another person.

Example: I think that bird fancies you. You're in there, mate!

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: At or towards the interior of a defined space, such as a building or room.

Example: He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and dived in.

Definition: Towards the speaker or other reference point.

Example: For six hours the tide flows in, then for another six hours it flows out.

Definition: So as to be enclosed or surrounded by something.

Example: Bring the water to the boil and drop the vegetables in.

Definition: Still eligible to play, e.g. able to bat in cricket and baseball.

Example: He went for the wild toss but wasn't able to stay in.

Definition: After the beginning of something.

Example: The show still didn't become interesting 20 minutes in.

Definition: (in combination, after a verb) Denotes a gathering of people assembled for the stated activity, sometimes, though not always, suggesting a protest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits.

Definition: Into.

Example: Less water gets in your boots this way.

Definition: Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance.

Example: In replacing the faucet washers, he felt he was making his contribution to the environment.

Definition: Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality.

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Phonetic: "/bɹeɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The control center of the central nervous system of an animal located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action.

Definition: An intelligent person.

Example: She was a total brain.

Definition: (in the plural) Intellect.

Example: She has a lot of brains.

Definition: By analogy with a human brain, the part of a machine or computer that performs calculations.

Example: The computer's brain is capable of millions of calculations a second.

Definition: Oral sex.

Definition: Mind.

Example: I have too much on my brain today.

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Phonetic: "/bɹeɪn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To dash out the brains of; to kill by smashing the skull.

Definition: To strike (someone) on the head.

Definition: To destroy; to put an end to.

Definition: To conceive in the mind; to understand.

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