unos cobran la fama y otros cardan la lana

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unos cobran la fama y otros cardan la lana
you always get the blame when you do something wrong
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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To address (a person) using the pronoun you (in the past, especially to use you rather than thou, when you was considered more formal).

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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: (object pronoun) The people spoken, or written to, as an object.

Example: Both of you should get ready now.

Definition: (reflexive pronoun) (To) yourselves, (to) yourself.

Definition: (object pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as an object. (Replacing thee; originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (subject pronoun) The people spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Replacing ye.)

Example: You are all supposed to do as I tell you.

Definition: (subject pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (indefinite personal pronoun) Anyone, one; an unspecified individual or group of individuals (as subject or object).

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Phonetic: "/ˈɔː(l).weɪz/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: At all times; throughout all time; since the beginning.

Example: Airplanes did not always exist as a form of transportation.

Definition: Constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals (opposed to sometimes or occasionally).

Example: In this street, the shops always close during lunchtime.

Definition: In any event.

Example: I thought I could always go back to work.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɛt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Offspring.

Definition: Lineage.

Definition: A difficult return or block of a shot.

Definition: Something gained; an acquisition.

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Phonetic: "/ɡɛt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (ditransitive) To obtain; to acquire.

Example: I'm going to get a computer tomorrow from the discount store.

Definition: To receive.

Example: He got a severe reprimand for that.

Definition: (in a perfect construction, with present-tense meaning) To have. See usage notes.

Example: I've got a concert ticket for you.

Definition: To fetch, bring, take.

Example: Can you get my bag from the living-room, please?

Definition: To become, or cause oneself to become.

Example: I'm getting hungry; how about you?

Definition: To cause to become; to bring about.

Example: I can't get these boots off (or on).

Definition: To cause to do.

Example: I can't get it to work.

Definition: To cause to come or go or move.

Example: I got him to his room.

Definition: To cause to be in a certain status or position.

Example: Get him here at once.

Definition: (with various prepositions, such as into, over, or behind; for specific idiomatic senses see individual entries get into, get over, etc.) To adopt, assume, arrive at, or progress towards (a certain position, location, state).

Example: I'm getting into a muddle.

Definition: To cover (a certain distance) while travelling.

Example: to get a mile

Definition: To begin (doing something or to do something).

Example: After lunch we got chatting.

Definition: To take or catch (a scheduled transportation service).

Example: I normally get the 7:45 train.

Definition: To respond to (a telephone call, a doorbell, etc).

Example: Can you get that call, please? I'm busy.

Definition: (followed by infinitive) To be able, be permitted, or have the opportunity (to do something desirable or ironically implied to be desirable).

Example: Great. I get to clean the toilets today.

Definition: To understand. (compare get it)

Example: I don't get what you mean by "fun". This place sucks!

Definition: To be told; be the recipient of (a question, comparison, opinion, etc.).

Example: "You look just like Helen Mirren." / "I get that a lot."

Definition: To be. Used to form the passive of verbs.

Example: He got bitten by a dog.

Definition: To become ill with or catch (a disease).

Example: I went on holiday and got malaria.

Definition: To catch out, trick successfully.

Example: He keeps calling pretending to be my boss—it gets me every time.

Definition: To perplex, stump.

Example: That question's really got me.

Definition: To find as an answer.

Example: What did you get for question four?

Definition: To bring to reckoning; to catch (as a criminal); to effect retribution.

Example: I'm gonna get him for that.

Definition: To hear completely; catch.

Example: Sorry, I didn't get that. Could you repeat it?

Definition: To getter.

Example: I put the getter into the container to get the gases.

Definition: To beget (of a father).

Definition: To learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; sometimes with out.

Example: to get a lesson;  to get out one's Greek lesson

Definition: Used with a personal pronoun to indicate that someone is being pretentious or grandiose.

Example: Get her with her new hairdo.

Definition: To go, to leave; to scram.

Definition: To kill.

Example: They’re coming to get you, Barbara.

Definition: To make acquisitions; to gain; to profit.

Definition: To measure.

Example: Did you get her temperature?

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "/bleɪm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Censure.

Example: Blame came from all directions.

Definition: Culpability for something negative or undesirable.

Example: The blame for starting the fire lies with the arsonist.

Definition: Responsibility for something meriting censure.

Example: They accepted the blame, but it was an accident.

Definition: A source control feature that can show which user was responsible for a particular portion of the source code.

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Phonetic: "/ʍɛn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The time at which something happens.

Example: A good article will cover the who, the what, the when, the where, the why and the how.

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Phonetic: "/ʍɛn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: (interrogative) At what time? At which time? Upon which occasion or circumstance? Used to introduce direct or indirect questions about time.

Example: Do you know when they arrived?

Definition: At an earlier time and under different, usually less favorable, circumstances.

Example: He's mister high and mighty now, but I remember him when.

Definition: (relative) At which, on which, during which: often omitted or replaced with that.

Example: That was the day when the Twin Towers fell.

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Phonetic: "/ʍɛn/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: (interrogative) What time; which time.

Example: Since when do I need your permission?

Definition: The time that.

Example: I recall when they were called the Greys.

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Phonetic: "/ʍɛn/"

Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: At (or as soon as) that time that; at the (or any and every) time that; if.

Example: A player wins when [as soon as, or at any time that, if] she has four cards of the same suit.

Definition: During the time that; at the time of the action of the following clause or participle phrase.

Example: Be careful when crossing the street.

Definition: At what time; at which time.

Example: I am here till Friday, when [i.e. at which time] I leave for Senegal.

Definition: Since; given the fact that; considering that.

Example: I don't see the point of putting up Christmas decorations when I am the only person who is going to see them.

Definition: Whereas; although; at the same time as; in spite of the fact that.

Example: He keeps changing things when the existing system works perfectly well.

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Phonetic: "/ʍɛn/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: That's enough, a command to stop adding something, especially an ingredient of food or drink.

Definition: Expressing impatience. (Compare what.)

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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To address (a person) using the pronoun you (in the past, especially to use you rather than thou, when you was considered more formal).

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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: (object pronoun) The people spoken, or written to, as an object.

Example: Both of you should get ready now.

Definition: (reflexive pronoun) (To) yourselves, (to) yourself.

Definition: (object pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as an object. (Replacing thee; originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (subject pronoun) The people spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Replacing ye.)

Example: You are all supposed to do as I tell you.

Definition: (subject pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (indefinite personal pronoun) Anyone, one; an unspecified individual or group of individuals (as subject or object).

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Phonetic: "/dʉː/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A party, celebration, social function.

Example: We’re having a bit of a do on Saturday to celebrate my birthday.

Definition: A hairdo.

Example: Nice do!

Definition: Something that can or should be done (usually in the phrase dos and don'ts).

Definition: A deed; an act.

Definition: Ado; bustle; stir; to-do; A period of confusion or argument.

Definition: A cheat; a swindler.

Definition: An act of swindling; a fraud or deception.

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Phonetic: "/dʉː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (auxiliary) A syntactic marker.

Definition: To perform; to execute.

Example: All you ever do is surf the Internet. What will you do this afternoon?

Definition: To cause, make (someone) (do something).

Definition: To suffice.

Example: it’s not the best broom, but it will have to do;  this will do me, thanks.

Definition: To be reasonable or acceptable.

Example: It simply will not do to have dozens of children running around such a quiet event.

Definition: (ditransitive) To have (as an effect).

Example: The fresh air did him some good.

Definition: To fare, perform (well or poorly).

Example: Our relationship isn't doing very well;  how do you do?

Definition: (chiefly in questions) To have as one's job.

Example: What does Bob do? — He's a plumber.

Definition: To perform the tasks or actions associated with (something).

Example: "Don't forget to do your report" means something quite different depending on whether you're a student or a programmer.

Definition: To cook.

Example: I'll just do some eggs.

Definition: To travel in, to tour, to make a circuit of.

Example: Let’s do New York also.

Definition: To treat in a certain way.

Definition: To work for or on, by way of caring for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in order, etc.

Definition: To act or behave in a certain manner; to conduct oneself.

Definition: To spend (time) in jail. (See also do time)

Example: I did five years for armed robbery.

Definition: To impersonate or depict.

Example: They really laughed when he did Clinton, with a perfect accent and a leer.

Definition: (with 'a' and the name of a person, place, event, etc.) To copy or emulate the actions or behaviour that is associated with the person or thing mentioned.

Example: He did a Henry VIII and got married six times.

Definition: To kill.

Definition: To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to ruin; to do for.

Definition: To punish for a misdemeanor.

Example: He got done for speeding.

Definition: To have sex with. (See also do it)

Definition: To cheat or swindle.

Example: That guy just did me out of two hundred bucks!

Definition: To convert into a certain form; especially, to translate.

Example: the novel has just been done into English;  I'm going to do this play into a movie

Definition: To finish.

Definition: To work as a domestic servant (with for).

Definition: (auxiliary) Used to form the present progressive of verbs.

Definition: To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.

Definition: (ditransitive) To make or provide.

Example: Could you do me a burger with mayonnaise instead of ketchup?

Definition: To injure (one's own body part).

Definition: To take drugs.

Example: I do cocaine.

Definition: (in the form be doing [somewhere]) To exist with a purpose or for a reason.

Example: What's that car doing in our swimming pool?

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Phonetic: "/ˈsamθɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An object whose nature is yet to be defined.

Definition: An object whose name is forgotten by, unknown or unimportant to the user, e.g., from words of a song. Also used to refer to an object earlier indefinitely referred to as 'something' (pronoun sense).

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Phonetic: "/ˈsamθɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: Applied to an action whose name is forgotten by, unknown or unimportant to the user, e.g. from words of a song.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsamθɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Having a characteristic that the speaker cannot specify.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsamθɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: (degree) Somewhat; to a degree.

Example: The baby looks something like his father.

Definition: (degree) To a high degree.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsamθɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: An uncertain or unspecified thing; one thing.

Example: I have a feeling something good is going to happen today.

Definition: (of someone or something) A quality to a moderate degree.

Example: That child is something of a genius.

Definition: (of a person) A talent or quality that is difficult to specify.

Example: She has a certain something.

Definition: (often with really or quite) Somebody who or something that is superlative or notable in some way.

Example: - Some marmosets are less than six inches tall. - Well, isn't that something?

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Something that is immoral or not good.

Example: Injustice is a heinous wrong.

Definition: An instance of wronging someone (sometimes with possessive to indicate the wrongdoer).

Definition: The incorrect or unjust position or opinion.

Definition: The opposite of right; the concept of badness.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To treat unjustly; to injure or harm.

Definition: To deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice.

Definition: To slander; to impute evil to unjustly.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Incorrect or untrue.

Example: Some of your answers were correct, and some were wrong.

Definition: Asserting something incorrect or untrue.

Example: You're wrong: he's not Superman at all.

Definition: Immoral, not good, bad.

Example: It is wrong to lie.

Definition: Improper; unfit; unsuitable.

Example: A bikini is the wrong thing to wear on a cold day.

Definition: Not working; out of order.

Example: Don't cry, honey. Tell me what's wrong.

Definition: Designed to be worn or placed inward; as, the wrong side of a garment or of a piece of cloth.

Definition: Twisted; wry.

Example: a wrong nose

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: In a way that isn't right; incorrectly, wrongly.

Example: I spelled several names wrong in my address book.

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