yığma yapı

Kullanım örnekleri

yığma yapı
masonry work construction
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Phonetic: "/ˈmeɪsənɹi/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The art or occupation of a mason.

Example: He studied masonry for five years.

Definition: The work or performance of a mason

Example: The masonry was exquisite.

Definition: That which is built by a mason; anything constructed of the materials used by masons, such as stone, brick, tiles, or the like. Dry masonry is applied to structures made without mortar.

Example: The masonry was cracked.

Definition: The craft, institution, or mysteries of Freemasons; Freemasonry.

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Phonetic: "/wɜːk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (heading) Employment.

Definition: (heading) Effort.

Definition: Sustained effort to achieve a goal or result, especially overcoming obstacles.

Example: We don't have much time. Let's get to work piling up those sandbags.

Definition: (heading) Product; the result of effort.

Definition: The staging of events to appear as real.

Definition: Ore before it is dressed.

Definition: The equipment needed to inject a drug (syringes, needles, swabs etc.)

Example: Tell me you're using clean works at least.

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Phonetic: "/kənˈstɹʌkʃən/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The process of constructing.

Example: Construction is underway on the new bridge.

Definition: Anything that has been constructed.

Example: The engineer marvelled at his construction.

Definition: The trade of building structures.

Example: He had worked in construction all his life.

Definition: A building, model or some other structure.

Example: The office was a construction of steel and glass.

Definition: A (usually non-representational) structure, such as a collage etc.

Example: "Construction in string and clockwork" took first prize.

Definition: The manner in which something is built.

Example: A thing of simple construction.

Definition: (grammar) A group of words arranged to form a meaningful phrase.

Definition: The act or result of construing the meaning of something.

Example: American conservatives tend to favor strict construction of the Constitution.

Definition: The meaning or interpretation of a text, action etc.; the way something is viewed by an observer or onlooker.

Definition: A geometric figure of arcs and line segments that is drawable with a straightedge and compass.

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