üstüne tüy dikti

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üstüne tüy dikti
come on top of
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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Coming, arrival; approach.

Definition: Semen

Definition: Female ejaculatory discharge.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move from further away to nearer to.

Example: She’ll be coming ’round the mountain when she comes [...]

Definition: To arrive.

Definition: To appear, to manifest itself.

Example: The pain in his leg comes and goes.

Definition: (with an infinitive) To begin to have an opinion or feeling.

Example: She came to think of that country as her home.

Definition: (with an infinitive) To do something by chance, without intending to do it.

Example: Could you tell me how the document came to be discovered?

Definition: To take a position relative to something else in a sequence.

Example: Which letter comes before Y?   Winter comes after autumn.

Definition: To achieve orgasm; to cum; to ejaculate.

Example: He came after a few minutes.

Definition: (with close) To approach a state of being or accomplishment.

Example: One of the screws came loose, and the skateboard fell apart.

Definition: (with to) To take a particular approach or point of view in regard to something.

Example: He came to SF literature a confirmed technophile, and nothing made him happier than to read a manuscript thick with imaginary gizmos and whatzits.

Definition: (fossil word) To become, to turn out to be.

Example: He was a dream come true.

Definition: To be supplied, or made available; to exist.

Example: A new sports car doesn't come cheap.

Definition: To carry through; to succeed in.

Example: You can't come any tricks here.

Definition: Happen.

Example: This kind of accident comes when you are careless.

Definition: (with from or sometimes of) To have as an origin, originate.

Definition: (of grain) To germinate.

Definition: To pretend to be; to behave in the manner of.

Example: Don't come the innocent victim. We all know who's to blame here.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Used to indicate a point in time at or after which a stated event or situation occurs.

Example: Come retirement, their Social Security may turn out to be a lot less than they counted on.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: An exclamation to express annoyance.

Example: Come come! Stop crying.  Come now! You must eat it.

Definition: An exclamation to express encouragement, or to precede a request.

Example: Come come! You can do it.  Come now! It won't bite you.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To switch on

Example: Can you on the light?

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: In the state of being active, functioning or operating.

Example: All the lights are on, so they must be home.

Definition: Performing according to schedule; taking place.

Example: Are we still on for tonight?

Definition: Fitted; covering; being worn.

Example: I was trying to drink out of the bottle while the top was still on!

Definition: (usually negative) Acceptable, appropriate.

Example: You can't do that; it's just not on.

Definition: Destined, normally in the context of a challenge being accepted; involved, doomed.

Example: "Five bucks says the Cavs win tonight." ―"You're on!"

Definition: Having reached a base as a runner and being positioned there, awaiting further action from a subsequent batter.

Definition: Within the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman.

Example: Ponsonby-Smythe hit a thumping on drive.

Definition: Menstruating.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: To an operating state.

Example: turn the television on

Definition: So as to cover or be fitted.

Example: Put on your hat and gloves.

Definition: Along, forwards (continuing an action).

Example: drive on, rock on

Definition: In continuation, at length.

Example: He rambled on and on.

Definition: (obsolete in the US) Later.

Example: Ten years on, nothing had changed in the village.

Definition: Of betting odds, denoting a better-than-even chance. See also odds-on.

Example: That horse is twenty-to-one on, so you need to stake twenty pounds just to win one pound.

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Phonetic: "/ɒn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above.

Example: A vase of flowers stood on the table.

Definition: Positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to.

Example: He had a scar on the side of his face.

Definition: Expressing figurative placement or attachment.

Example: All of the responsibility is on him.

Definition: Denoting performance or action by contact with the surface, upper part, or outside of anything; hence, by means of; with.

Example: to play on a violin or piano

Definition: At or in (a certain region or location).

Example: The lighthouse that you can see is on the mainland.

Definition: Near; adjacent to; alongside.

Example: Croton-on-Hudson, Rostov-on-Don, Southend-on-Sea

Definition: Supported by (the specified part of itself).

Example: A table can't stand on two legs.

Definition: So as to impart force to.

Example: tug on the rope; push hard on the door

Definition: So as to impact; against.

Example: I stubbed my toe on an old tree stump.

Definition: Covering.

Example: He wore old shoes on his feet.

Definition: (with certain modes of transport, especially public transport) Inside (a vehicle) for the purpose of travelling.

Example: on a bus, on a train, on a plane

Definition: At the date of.

Example: Born on the 4th of July.

Definition: Some time during the day of.

Example: Can I see you on a different day?

Definition: At a given time after the start of something; at.

Example: Smith scored again on twelve minutes, doubling Mudchester Rovers' lead.

Definition: Dealing with the subject of; about; concerning.

Example: I have no opinion on this subject.

Definition: In the possession of.

Example: I haven't got any money on me.

Definition: Because of, or due to.

Example: to arrest someone on suspicion of bribery

Definition: Upon; at the time of (and often because of).

Example: On Jack's entry, William got up to leave.

Definition: Paid for by.

Example: I paid for the airfare and meals for my family, but the hotel room was on the company.

Definition: Indicating a means or medium.

Example: Can't you see I'm on the phone?

Definition: Indicating the target of, or thing affected by, an event or action.

Example: Her words made a lasting impression on my mind.

Definition: Toward; for; indicating the object of an emotion.

Example: Have pity or compassion on him.

Definition: Indicating a means of subsistence.

Example: The dog survived three weeks on rainwater.

Definition: Away or occupied with (e.g. a scheduled activity).

Example: He's on his lunch break.

Definition: Regularly taking (a drug).

Example: He's acting so strangely, I think he must be on something.

Definition: Under the influence of (a drug).

Example: He's acting crazy because he's on crack right now.

Definition: Having identical domain and codomain.

Example: a function on

Definition: Having V^n as domain and V as codomain, for some set V and integer n.

Example: an operator on

Definition: Generated by.

Example: the free group on four letters

Definition: In addition to; besides; indicating multiplication or succession in a series.

Example: heaps on heaps of food

Definition: Of

Definition: Indicating dependence or reliance; with confidence in.

Example: He will promise on certain conditions.

Definition: At the peril of, or for the safety of.

Definition: In the service of; connected with; of the number of.

Example: He is on a newspaper; I am on the committee.

Definition: By virtue of; with the pledge of.

Example: He affirmed or promised on his word, or on his honour.

Definition: To the account or detriment of; denoting imprecation or invocation, or coming to, falling, or resting upon.

Example: A curse on him!

Definition: (especially when numbers of combatants or competitors are specified) Against; in opposition to.

Example: The fight was three on one, and he never stood a chance.

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Phonetic: "/tɒp/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The highest or uppermost part of something.

Example: His kite got caught at the top of the tree.

Definition: A child’s spinning toy; a spinning top.

Example: The boy was amazed at how long the top would spin.

Definition: (heading) Someone who is eminent.

Definition: (BDSM) A dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay.

Definition: A man penetrating or with a preference for penetrating during homosexual intercourse.

Example: I prefer being a top, and my boyfriend prefers being a bottom.

Definition: A top quark.

Definition: The utmost degree; the acme; the summit.

Definition: (ropemaking) A plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudinal grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting.

Definition: (sound) Highest pitch or loudest volume.

Example: She sang at the top of her voice.

Definition: (wool manufacture) A bundle or ball of slivers of combed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out.

Definition: (obsolete, except in one sense of phrase on top of) Eve; verge; point.

Definition: The part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface.

Definition: (in the plural) Topboots.

Definition: A stroke on the top of the ball.

Definition: A forward spin given to the ball by hitting it on or near the top.

Definition: (in restaurants, preceded by a number) (A table at which there is, or which has enough seats for) a group of a specified number of people eating at a restaurant.

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Phonetic: "/tɒp/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To cover on the top or with a top.

Example: I like my ice cream topped with chocolate sauce.

Definition: To cut or remove the top (as of a tree)

Example: I don't want to be bald, so just top my hair.

Definition: To excel, to surpass, to beat.

Example: Titanic was the most successful film ever until it was topped by another Cameron film, Avatar.

Definition: To be in the lead, to be at number one position (of).

Example: Celine Dion topped the UK music charts twice in the 1990s.

Definition: To commit suicide.

Example: Depression causes many people to top themselves.

Definition: To murder.

Definition: (BDSM) To be the dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay.

Example: Giving advice to the dominant partner on how to run the BDSM session is called "topping from the bottom".

Definition: (gay sexuality) To be the partner who penetrates in anal sex.

Definition: (gay sexuality) To anally penetrate.

Definition: To rise aloft; to be eminent; to tower.

Example: lofty ridges and topping mountains

Definition: To predominate.

Example: topping passions

Definition: To excel; to rise above others.

Definition: To raise one end of (a yard, etc.), making it higher than the other.

Definition: (dyeing) To cover with another dye.

Example: to top aniline black with methyl violet to prevent greening

Definition: To put a stiffening piece or back on (a saw blade).

Definition: To arrange (fruit, etc.) with the best on top.

Definition: (of a horse) To strike the top of (an obstacle) with the hind feet while jumping, so as to gain new impetus.

Definition: To improve (domestic animals, especially sheep) by crossing certain individuals or breeds with other superior breeds.

Definition: To cut, break, or otherwise take off the top of (a steel ingot) to remove unsound metal.

Definition: To strike (the ball) above the centre; also, to make (a stroke, etc.) by hitting the ball in this way.

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Phonetic: "/tɒp/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Situated on the top of something.

Definition: Best; of the highest quality or rank.

Example: She's in the top dance school.

Definition: Very good, of high quality, power, or rank.

Example: He's a top lawyer.

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Phonetic: "/tɒp/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Rated first.

Example: She came top in her French exam.

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Phonetic: "/ɔv/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Expressing distance or motion.

Definition: Expressing separation.

Definition: Expressing origin.

Definition: Expressing agency.

Definition: Expressing composition, substance.

Definition: Introducing subject matter.

Definition: Having partitive effect.

Definition: Expressing possession.

Definition: Forming the "objective genitive".

Definition: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

Definition: Expressing a point in time.

Ücretsiz İngilizce-Türkçe Çevirmen

İster eğitim, iş veya kişisel amaçlar için İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye veya Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevrilmiş metinlere ihtiyacınız olsun, online çeviri siteleri aklınıza gelen ilk çözüm olabilir. Tercümanımız kurumsal, akademik, yasal, tıbbi terimleri yetkin bir şekilde dikkate alır. Ayrıca çeviri aşamasında, aklınıza gelen metnin, ihtiyacınız olan terimler kullanılarak, bu alanda profesyonellerle çalışarak ihtiyacınız olan tarzda tercüme edildiğinden emin olabilirsiniz.

İngilizce, dünyada yaklaşık 1,5 milyar insan tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Dünyada en çok konuşulan dildir. 1.000.000'den fazla kelime var! Türkçe, Türkiye'de, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta yaklaşık 80 milyon kişi ile Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika'daki göçmen toplulukları tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Yaklaşık 88 milyon konuşmacı ile en çok konuşulan Türk dilidir. Türk dili, Türkiye'nin batısında yer alan Anadolu'da ortaya çıkmıştır. Şu anda, bu iki hacimli ve harika dildeki çevirilerle hızlı, rahat ve ücretsiz çalışmanız için size profesyonel çevirmenimizin işlevselliğini sunuyoruz!Tek bir tıklamayla kelimeleri çevirin! Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirmenimiz iki yönlü bir çeviri programıdır, anlamların ikamesi için kapsamlı bir sözlük içerir, kelime öbeklerinin ve ifadelerin kullanım örneklerini ve bunların fonetik bileşenlerini gösterir. Tercümanımız, çeviri alanındaki bilgi tabanını sürekli olarak güncelleyen ve son kullanıcı için tamamen anonim ve ücretsiz olarak korurken hizmet kalitesini koruyan profesyonel bir dilbilimci ekibi tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Çevirileriniz sadece size ait!