
Kullanım örnekleri

piece of ash
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Phonetic: "/piːs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A part of a larger whole, usually in such a form that it is able to be separated from other parts.

Example: I’d like another piece of pie.

Definition: A single item belonging to a class of similar items

Example: a piece of machinery

Definition: One of the figures used in playing chess, specifically a higher-value figure as distinguished from a pawn; by extension, a similar counter etc. in other games.

Definition: A coin, especially one valued at less than the principal unit of currency.

Example: a sixpenny piece

Definition: An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, musical composition, literary work, etc.

Example: She played two beautiful pieces on the piano.

Definition: An article published in the press.

Example: Today's paper has an interesting piece on medical research.

Definition: An artillery gun.

Definition: A gun.

Example: He's packin' a piece!

Definition: (short for hairpiece) A toupee or wig, especially when worn by a man.

Example: The announcer is wearing a new piece.

Definition: A slice or other quantity of bread, eaten on its own; a sandwich or light snack.

Definition: A sexual encounter; from piece of ass or piece of tail

Example: I got a piece at lunchtime.

Definition: (mildly, short for piece of crap/piece of shit) A shoddy or worthless object (usually applied to consumer products like vehicles or appliances).

Example: Ugh, my new computer is such a piece. I'm taking it back to the store tomorrow.

Definition: A cannabis pipe.

Definition: Used to describe a pitch that has been hit but not well, usually either being caught by the opposing team or going foul. Usually used in the past tense with got.

Example: he got a piece of that one;  she got a piece of the ball [...] and it's going foul.

Definition: (sometimes derogatory) An individual; a person.

Definition: A castle; a fortified building.

Definition: A pacifier; a dummy.

Definition: A distance.

Example: a fair piece off

Definition: A structured practice row, often used for performance evaluation.

Example: At practice we rowed four 5,000 meter pieces.

Definition: An amount of work to be done at one time; a unit of piece work.

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Phonetic: "/piːs/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: (usually with together) To assemble (something real or figurative).

Example: These clues allowed us to piece together the solution to the mystery.

Definition: To make, enlarge, or repair, by the addition of a piece or pieces; to patch; often with out.

Example: to piece a garment

Definition: To produce a work of graffiti more complex than a tag.

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Phonetic: "/ɔv/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Expressing distance or motion.

Definition: Expressing separation.

Definition: Expressing origin.

Definition: Expressing agency.

Definition: Expressing composition, substance.

Definition: Introducing subject matter.

Definition: Having partitive effect.

Definition: Expressing possession.

Definition: Forming the "objective genitive".

Definition: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

Definition: Expressing a point in time.

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Phonetic: "/æʃ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The solid remains of a fire.

Example: Ash from a fireplace can restore minerals to your garden's soil.

Definition: The nonaqueous remains of a material subjected to any complete oxidation process.

Definition: Fine particles from a volcano, volcanic ash.

Definition: (in the plural) Human (or animal) remains after cremation.

Example: The urn containing his ashes was eventually removed to a closet.

Definition: What remains after a catastrophe.

Definition: A gray colour, like that of ash.

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Phonetic: "/æʃ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To reduce to a residue of ash. See ashing.

Definition: To hit the end off of a burning cigar or cigarette.

Definition: To hit the end off (a burning cigar or cigarette).

Definition: (mostly used in the passive) To cover newly-sown fields of crops with ashes.

İngilizce Türkçe Cümle Çevirmeni

Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.

Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz birçok dilbilimci ve geliştiricinin ürünüdür. Herhangi bir cümleyi, kelimeyi veya metnin tamamını hızlı ve tamamen ücretsiz çevirin! Çevirmenimiz 800'den fazla farklı dili anlamaktadır. Program medyadan büyük miktarda bilgi kullanır, bu nedenle tüm dünya haberlerini kapsar.İngilizce, dünyada yaklaşık 1,5 milyar insan tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Dünyada en çok konuşulan dildir. 1.000.000'den fazla kelime var! Türkçe, Türkiye'de, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta yaklaşık 80 milyon kişi ile Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika'daki göçmen toplulukları tarafından konuşulmaktadır. Yaklaşık 88 milyon konuşmacı ile en çok konuşulan Türk dilidir. Türk dili, Türkiye'nin batısında yer alan Anadolu'da ortaya çıkmıştır. Şu anda, bu iki hacimli ve harika dildeki çevirilerle hızlı, rahat ve ücretsiz çalışmanız için size profesyonel çevirmenimizin işlevselliğini sunuyoruz!Kaynak metinler, AI tabanlı yazım denetleyici tarafından otomatik olarak düzeltilerek daha iyi bir çeviri elde edilir. Tıp, kesin bilimler, hukuk vb. gibi çeşitli alanlarda metinlerinin içeriğini ve dil özelliklerini koruyarak belgeleri anında çevirin.