günler sonra

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günler sonra
after days
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Phonetic: "/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Later; second (of two); next, following, subsequent

Definition: (where the frame of reference is within the ship) At or towards the stern of a ship.

Example: The after gun is abaft the forward gun.

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Phonetic: "/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Behind; later in time; following.

Example: I left the room, and the dog bounded after.

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Phonetic: "/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Subsequently to; following in time; later than.

Example: The Cold War began shortly after the Second World War.

Definition: Behind.

Example: He will leave a trail of destruction after him.

Definition: In pursuit of, seeking.

Example: He's after a job; run after him; inquire after her health.

Definition: In allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing.

Example: We named him after his grandfather; a painting after Leonardo da Vinci.

Definition: Next in importance or rank.

Example: The princess is next in line to the throne after the prince.

Definition: As a result of.

Example: After your bad behaviour, you will be punished.

Definition: In spite of.

Example: After all that has happened, he is still my friend.

Definition: (usually preceded by a form of be, followed by an -ing form of a verb) Used to indicate recent completion of an activity

Example: I was after finishing my dinner when there was a knock on the door.

Definition: According to an author or text.

Definition: Denoting the aim or object; concerning; in relation to.

Example: to look after workmen; to enquire after a friend; to thirst after righteousness

Definition: According to the direction and influence of; in proportion to; befitting.

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Phonetic: "/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: Signifies that the action of the clause it starts takes place before the action of the other clause.

Example: I went home after we had decided to call it a day.

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Phonetic: "/ˈdeɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any period of 24 hours.

Example: I've been here for two days and a bit.

Definition: A period from midnight to the following midnight.

Example: The day begins at midnight.

Definition: Rotational period of a planet (especially Earth).

Example: A day on Mars is slightly over 24 hours.

Definition: The part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.

Example: I worked two days last week.

Definition: Part of a day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight; daytime.

Example: day and night;  I work at night and sleep during the day.

Definition: A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time.

Example: Every dog has its day.

Definition: A period of contention of a day or less.

Example: The day belonged to the Allies.

Definition: A 24-hour period beginning at 6am or sunrise.

Example: Your 8am forecast: The high for the day will be 30 and the low, before dawn, will be 10.

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Phonetic: "/ˈdeɪz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To spend a day (in a place).

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Phonetic: "/ˈdeɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A particular time or period of vague extent.

Example: Things were more relaxed in Grandpa's days.

Definition: Life.

Example: That's how he ended his days.

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