
Kullanım örnekleri

cow-hide whip
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Phonetic: "/wɪp/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided rope or thong (commonly of leather) used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals.

Example: I had to use the whip to get the sheep's attention.

Definition: A blow administered with a whip.

Definition: A whipper-in.

Definition: A member of a political party who is in charge of enforcing the party's policies in votes.

Example: I was going to vote against the bill, but the party whip came to see me and made it clear I needed to vote for it.

Definition: (UK politics, with definite article) A document distributed weekly to MPs by party whips informing them of upcoming votes in parliament.

Definition: Whipped cream.

Example: Did you want to add some whip to your coffee, ma'am?

Definition: A purchase in which one block is used to gain a 2:1 mechanical advantage.

Definition: A mode of personal motorized transportation; an automobile, all makes and models including motorcycles, excluding public transportation.

Example: Come on, let's take my whip so we can get there in time.

Definition: A move in which one player transfers momentum to another.

Definition: A whipping motion; a thrashing about.

Example: I was startled by the whip of the rope when it finally snapped.

Definition: The quality of being whiplike or flexible; suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club.

Definition: Any of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion

Definition: A coach driver; a coachman.

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Phonetic: "/wɪp/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To hit with a whip.

Example: The rider whipped the horse.

Definition: (by extension) To hit with any flexible object.

Example: I whipped her with a newspaper.

Definition: To defeat, as in a contest or game.

Definition: To mix in a rapid aerating fashion, especially food.

Example: to whip eggs or cream

Definition: To urge into action or obedience.

Example: He whipped the department into shape.

Definition: To enforce a member voting in accordance with party policy.

Definition: To bind the end of a rope with twine or other small stuff to prevent its unlaying: fraying or unravelling.

Definition: To hoist or purchase by means of a whip.

Definition: To sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread.

Example: to whip a ruffle

Definition: To throw or kick an object at a high velocity.

Example: He whipped the ball at me.

Definition: To fish a body of water especially by making repeated casts.

Definition: To snap back and forth like a whip.

Example: The pennants whipped in the wind.

Definition: To move very fast.

Example: The wind whipped through the valley.

Definition: To move (something) very fast; often with up, out, etc.

Definition: To transfer momentum from one skater to another.

Definition: To lash with sarcasm, abuse, etc.

Definition: To thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking.

Example: to whip wheat

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