carnet de citas

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carnet de citas
appointment card
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Phonetic: "/əˈpɔɪnt.mɛnt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of appointing a person to hold an office or to have a position of trust

Example: His appointment was deemed suitable

Definition: The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office to which one is appointed

Example: the appointment of treasurer

Definition: Stipulation; agreement; the act of fixing by mutual agreement.

Definition: An arrangement between people to meet; an engagement.

Example: I'm leaving work early because I have a doctor's appointment.

Definition: Decree; direction; established order or constitution.

Example: To submit to the divine appointments.

Definition: The exercise of the power of designating (under a power of appointment) a person to enjoy an estate or other specific property; also, the instrument by which the designation is made.

Definition: The assignment of a person by an official to perform a duty, such as a presidential appointment of a judge to a court.

Definition: (now in the plural) Equipment, furniture.

Definition: A honorary part or exercise, as an oration, etc., at a public exhibition of a college.

Example: to have an appointment

Definition: The allowance paid to a public officer.

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Phonetic: "/kaːd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A playing card.

Definition: (in the plural) Any game using playing cards; a card game.

Example: He played cards with his friends.

Definition: A resource or an argument, used to achieve a purpose.

Example: He accused them of playing the race card.

Definition: Any flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.

Definition: A map or chart.

Definition: An amusing or entertaining person, often slightly eccentrically so.

Definition: A list of scheduled events or of performers or contestants.

Example: What’s on the card for tonight?

Definition: A tabular presentation of the key statistics of an innings or match: batsmen’s scores and how they were dismissed, extras, total score and bowling figures.

Definition: A removable electronic device that may be inserted into a powered electronic device to provide additional capability.

Example: He needed to replace the card his computer used to connect to the internet.

Definition: A greeting card.

Example: She gave her neighbors a card congratulating them on their new baby.

Definition: A business card.

Example: The realtor gave me her card so I could call if I had any questions about buying a house.

Definition: Title card / Intertitle: A piece of filmed, printed text edited into the midst of the photographed action at various points, generally to convey character dialogue or descriptive narrative material related to the plot.

Definition: A test card.

Definition: A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, etc.

Example: to put a card in the newspapers

Definition: A printed programme.

Definition: (by extension) An attraction or inducement.

Example: This will be a good card for the last day of the fair.

Definition: A paper on which the points of the compass are marked; the dial or face of the mariner's compass.

Definition: A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom.

Definition: An indicator card.

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Phonetic: "/kaːd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To check IDs, especially against a minimum age requirement.

Example: I heard you don't get carded at the other liquor store.

Definition: To play cards.

Definition: To make (a stated score), as recorded on a scoring card.

Example: McIlroy carded a stellar nine-under-par 61 in the final round.

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